Inquiry #1 “Harrison Bergeron”

Why is it impossible to have equality in the human society? 

In the story Harrison Bergeron they show that it is impossible to have equality in a society. In the story if someone is more beautiful they have to wear an uglier mask and heaver weights. By wearing the mask doesn’t make people equal because, the more beautiful the person is the uglier the mask. So someone that is not as good looking has not as bad of a mask as that other person. Someone who is very intelligent, they have to have weights and when ever they think of something smart they get a loud noise in their ear to make them forget and not want to think like that anymore. Even now in the present nobody is equal. Everybody always thinks that there is this special way to look or a special way to talk. Everybody is born different, some people are smarter some people are very beautiful/ good looking.You can never make everybody 100% equal.


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