What Darwin Never Knew

After Charles Darwin had discover DNA he started researching, finding out and discovering the way that which animals and people were related. After he started getting more comfortable with the whole idea he moved on and he started researching what we now call evolution.


So now Darwin has gone into evolution, he noted when he started discovering this that animals had started making physical and behavioural traits to help them survive and reproduce in the environment that they were living in. For example, a giraffe is first born with short legs and a short neck but when giraffe started stretching their necks up to get the top leaves, the ones that had done that kept surviving because they were not dying because they were starving like the giraffes with short necks. We now call this natural selection.


When Darwin went on his 5 year trip around the world he discovered the fossils and how they can determine how a certain species has changed. The farther down in the soil that you go the older that they species would be. He could they compared the farther down species to the ones closer too the top to see what type of natural selection has happened. He also learned and what we know today is that we all start out the same when we are an embryo, we as human look like a fish, or a tortoise and then with our DNA we then turn in too a human or a fish.


With everything that Darwin had discovered back then has helped us so much today in what species came from what animals. How a species used too look and how they used natural selection too survive as one today. If Charles Darwin hadn’t found out about DNA we wouldn’t know about evolution and how things have changed. And how we ad humans can be like a certain animal and how we develop into the way we are.

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