pg. 138-142 Horizons

Read pp 138-142 in Horizons:

  • Why did First Nations women marry French-Canadian fur traders?

-As well as creating social connections, the marriages also firmed

loyalty and economic ties between the traders and the First Nations with

whom they worked.


  • Which company (HBC or NWC) would be more likely to be working with the Metis and why?

-NWC because it supported the marriage between their fur traders and metis


3) What is the difference between “Metis” and “Country Born”?

Metis – Spoke a distinct language of Michif, they are French and first nations

Country Born – British and first nations ancestry


  • In what ways did the Metis adopt French Culture?

-There language was a mix of French and aboriginal, religion (catholic), and farming


5) What role did the Metis play in the fur trade?

-They did the buffalo hunts, while the NWC was still doing fur the metis went and got buffalo


6) Explain why the buffalo hunt required skill.

-Buffalo are huge, they road horses and they had to load the gun


7) How did the buffalo hunt include all of Metis Society?

-The woman and children were on the red river cart and the men were on the horse. When they were killing the buffalo they used the horse


8) Were the Metis closer to the French or the First Nations people? Explain.

-Metis were closer to the French because there language was the same and they had some of the same things such as housing, and agriculture.


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