Topography of Canada

Kamilla & Tatiana Arctic Reign: The Arctic Reign have mountain, lowlands, and plains. The Canadian shield pushed sedimentary rock and fried fold mountains which are called the Innuitian Mountains Cordillera Reign: The Cordillera Reign have parallel mountain ranges separated by plateaus, trenches and valleys from British Columbia and the Yukon. Interior Plains Reign: The Interior […]

Joey Burrard

Joey Burrard is just off Robson street in Downtown Vancouver. My mom, my friend and I have made it a tradition for the past 3 years to go there for my birthday dinner. We always go downtown for the day and then to finish it off we meet my auntie there and have an amazing […]

Five Themes of Geography

There are a lot of different ways to define geography. There is Location, Place, Reigns, Movement and Human & Environment Interaction.  But within those headings there are other definitions to really understand the meaning of Geography. There are 2 ways to define the location of something. There is Absolute which is the precious  location of […]