Biology 11: Six Kingdoms Description

Lynx (Lynx pardinus)

Rhinoceros Viper                              (Bitis nasicornis)

Animal Kingdom:

These Organisms are in the animal kingdom because they are eukaryotic and multicellurlar, animals are also motile and they reproduce sexually. Animals can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.





                                                                                                                       Plant Kingdom:


Redwood Trees (Sequoioideae)

Doll’s Eye                        (Actaea pachypoda)

Plants are mostly multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes. They have cell walls containing callulose and gain energy throught sunlight. Some plants reproduce sexually while other plants reproduce asexually.






                                                                                                                        Fungus Kingdom:

Shaggy ink cap                          (Coprinus comatus)

Beefsteak Fungus                          (Fistulina hepatica)



             A  fungus is a eukaryotic organisims that include microorganisms such as yeast, molds or mushrooms.  Fungi cannot photosynthesize or get their own food, so they depend on their surroundings, they collect dead animal and plant molecules and they digest it externally because they do not ingest. Fungi can reproduce asexually or sexually, but the majority of fungi can reproduce asexually.






                                                                                                           Protist Kingdom:


Crithia luciliae

Protists are eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant or fungus, they are unicellular and they do not have any tissue. Protists gain their energy by photosynthesis, some decompose decaying matter and some eat and ingest food. Protists reproduce sexually using gametes and some reproduce asexually using binary fission.






                                                                                                           Archaebacteria Kingdom: 

Haloferax volcanii


Pyrococcus furiosus

Archaea are single-celled microorganisms, they are prokaryotes, they have no cell nucleus or other organelles in their cells. Archaea reproduce asexually using fragmentation, mulitple fission or budding. Archea can eat toxic and inorganic material and turn it into organic matter.









Actonomyces israelii

                                                       Eubacteria Kingdom:


Streptococcus mutans

Eubacteria (otherwise known as “Bacteria”) are prokaryotic like Archaea. Bacteria have been found on every habitat on earth and are responsible for many human deseases, but also help maintain health, bacteria also have a cell wall. Some bacteria eat other organisms and absorb the dead organic material, some eat toxic substances and other bacteria collect food which has been ingested. Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission.