The first assignment we had was to drop a ball from between 1 and 2m. My group chose to drop it from 2m.
Here is our works and calculations written on a lined piece of paper.
Personally, the part I found most difficult about this half of the assignment was making sure that the height we were dropping it from was 2m. If we were the slightest bit off, the measurements would’ve been different and yield a set of values that would not be accurate for the scenario. In this assignment, we were tasked to find out the final velocity in this situation.
The second part of our assignment was to toss up a ball from the palm of our hand, and find out the initial velocity of it.
For this second part, we used a more in-depth way of looking at this problem, and also demonstrated our thinking through visual aids.
The part I found most difficult about this second half was understanding what the question was asking. In order to complete this, my group and I ended up drawing a diagram that was drawn onto the whiteboard in order to help everyone understand it easier. In doing so, we came to the conclusion that each side was of equal value, however, depending on if you measured it from when it was going up or if it was going down, that would affect your end result for the initial velocity.
This self reflection is based on a poem and video that me and my partner made, which is also based on the short story “The Veldt”
The Veldt is a story written by Ray Bradbury. It inspired the theme of Alienation in this Poem because technology had made them more separate from eachother, with little to no communication in their day-to-day life. It shows how connected we are with our devices and the internet, but not with eachother.
We got some of these pictures and videos from Google Images and YouTube.
Title-The World at our fingertips Theme-Alienation -Like moths drawn to a humming lightbulb -Magnetic force keeps us attached, our eyes unblinkingly fixed on the screens -Controlling our lives like a mind drone -Technology has us trapped with its gravitational pull -The muted click of keratin nails on glass screens -Blue lights capture our attention without a second thought
-The ding of a new notification gives us a rush of elation -We touch, we see, we hear digitally -Like looking through a blurry camera lens -Camera shutter like eyelids blinking -Documenting a moment but not living in it -Connected to technology, disconnected from reality -Facebook but few face to face friendships, - Facetime but little time for others
-Technology taking over our lives like numerous computer viruses -Technology is evolving, humanity is shaped around it - Connected to those far away, but too distracted to notice those next to us -Closer to the internet then to those around us -It brings us together, yet drives us apart -Likes on a picture more valuable then real love
-Virtual friends take the place of real friendships -Pull the plug and we’d be lost -Prisoners to our own devices -Eyes squinting at tiny font -Quick to give likes at the tap of our finger -Slow to give love from our hearts
-Term-Single number separated by + or –
-Coefficient- The number before a variable, ie- 6a
-Constant-A number by itself, always does its function regardless of other numbers, whole number, 4a+1
-Degree-Highest variable in a polynomial
-Monomial- An algebraic expression with 1 term-5a+6
-Binomial-An algebraic expression with 2 terms-4x+3y
-Trinomial-An algebraic expression with 3 terms-3y+3x+3z
How to add-Group the like terms and remove all 0 pairs
How to subtract-The numbers in brackets are the opposite integer, group the like terms and subtract
How to multiply-Multiply coefficients, add variables
How to divide-Divide coefficients, subtract variables