The Veldt is a story written by Ray Bradbury. It inspired the theme of Alienation in this Poem because technology had made them more separate from eachother, with little to no communication in their day-to-day life. It shows how connected we are with our devices and the internet, but not with eachother.
We got some of these pictures and videos from Google Images and YouTube.
Title-The World at our fingertips Theme-Alienation -Like moths drawn to a humming lightbulb -Magnetic force keeps us attached, our eyes unblinkingly fixed on the screens -Controlling our lives like a mind drone -Technology has us trapped with its gravitational pull -The muted click of keratin nails on glass screens -Blue lights capture our attention without a second thought
-The ding of a new notification gives us a rush of elation -We touch, we see, we hear digitally -Like looking through a blurry camera lens -Camera shutter like eyelids blinking -Documenting a moment but not living in it -Connected to technology, disconnected from reality -Facebook but few face to face friendships, - Facetime but little time for others
-Technology taking over our lives like numerous computer viruses -Technology is evolving, humanity is shaped around it - Connected to those far away, but too distracted to notice those next to us -Closer to the internet then to those around us -It brings us together, yet drives us apart -Likes on a picture more valuable then real love
-Virtual friends take the place of real friendships -Pull the plug and we’d be lost -Prisoners to our own devices -Eyes squinting at tiny font -Quick to give likes at the tap of our finger -Slow to give love from our hearts
Thank you for posting your poetry project based on the short story “The Veldt,” a project for both English 9 and COL (ADL10). I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective.
– Editing and overall presentation is extremely well done
– Extremely creative layout of information that is aesthetically pleasing
– Looks professional in format (music video style)
– Poem is well-written and represented within the film
– The visuals, text and audio is extremely suitable
– Multiple categories highlight the short story through an excellent poem
– Properly posted on your edublog!
I hope that you enjoyed doing this project and learnt not only about poetry, but also how to use a new technological tool!
Thank you,
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher
Well done girls – I love the personification! …powerful imagery.