1. I would like to address the problem of world hunger. World hunger is an issue that is happening more than most people would people would expect and it is even happening in our own country. I chose this because I think that in north America, food is easily accessed by most people so I wanted to find out more about it.
  2. I have seen that there are packages that don’t cost much to make. I’ve seen the ones from Move 4 Mana and various other types. There are also charities and organizations that aid majority world countries that had problems regarding world hunger.
  3. I’ve come up with a couple ideas that could potentially help with these problems:
  • A project could be funded where they help build new farms and put new agriculture systems in place. These farms would be placed in an area where there is everything needed for the plants to grow and where there is a big population so that the efficiently and helpfulness of the farm would be maximized. All of the money made by the farms could be given to the family that runs it or maybe given to the government to build more of these farms.
  • Another idea could be to give families llamas in areas where the living conditions are ideal for a llama. I’ve seen similar things with goats. The llama would produce wool for clothes, food, milk and fertilizer to grow more crops.
  1. I think the most effective and quick answer would be to give an animal to a family struggling with poverty. World vision has a website where you can donate money to provide a goat to families in need. I think that a llama is also a very good animal to choose. They have wool that can be used to make clothes, it can provide essential parts of fertilizer and it can also produce milk, which can be sold or drank. Here is a picture of a llama: World Vision is doing something amazing, just not many people know about it. I think that it would be a good idea for the government of countries struggling with world hunger to put some money towards fixing these problems along with donations from other people who are more fortunate. Here is the link to the website of World Vision: https://www.worldvision.ca/?_ga=2.257758861.725529861.1580930820-709371532.1580930820&_gac=1.257252729.1580930824.Cj0KCQiA7OnxBRCNARIsAIW53B9FLMaT1y9VZ1UQYrU1xhdDB2sCt42xBAF-64sQzvq9AurfmaRftt8aAmh6EALw_wcB
  2. I think I definitely could’ve delved a little bit deeper into the project and thought more outside the box. I think that my solution would only help certain situations and not everyone in the world. I also think that I should’ve asked more specific questions or resolved a more specific problem. I think world hunger is such a big problem that I don’t think I would be able to find a perfect solution. Perhaps if I had chosen a more specific question/problem, I could have found a better solution.
Solution Fluency
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One thought on “Solution Fluency

  • February 13, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    Excellent explanation of how you used the solution fluency to address a problem important to you. Great work discovering solutions to your issue and sharing the sources of your research. You included very effective media showing what your solution looks like. Awesome job. How could the knowledge you gained with this approach help you in the future?


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