Desmos Art Functions Card 2020

  Explain how you figured out what equations to use. Did you have any challenges? Any aha moments? Did you get help? Did you use any strategies? How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions.? I used a lot of quadratic equations at first although later I found a use for […]

Grammar Video Project – “Types of Sentences (Complex and Compound/Complex)”

By Katerina V and Stella M   music from: There are many different types of sentences (ex. simple, compound, complex, compound/complex), but in this video, we will be discussing complex and compound/complex sentences.  Important things to remember when working with these types of sentences, are the independent clause, the dependent clause, coordinating conjunctions and […]

Community Connections

Who did I interview? For my project on community connections, I tried to contact multiple people, all with a variety of jobs related to art, photography, and media that I think I could possibly be interested in. I tried contacting a popular photographer which I remember admiring a couple of years ago.  I connected with […]