Aquatic Field Studies

This unit we looked at the different spheres and what they represent in our world today. We conducted a little experiment in the hydrosphere and biosphere (because we examined invertebrates living inside the water) We determine the water quality of two studying sites : The Coquitlam river and The Oxbow pond. 

The first thing we did was look at the water and air temperature in each site. two people for each site put on chest waders and went inside the two bodies of water to measure the temperature. They held the thermometer in the water for precisely two minutes. The people who measured the air temperature held the thermometer in the air near the water and did the same thing.

As a class, we got these results :


air temp  16 C 
water temp   12,14 C 


air temp  18 C 
water temp  10,13 C 

here are some pictures of our experience :

in my group, Josephine measured the air temperature at the river (18 C).  

We discovered that the average temperatures of water were about the same, but the river had a slightly higher air temperature by two degrees.

 Within the next couple of days we went outside again to find what invertebrates were hidden in the Coquitlam river. Natalie wore chest waders and went in the river. She had to hold the net under her arm, against the current and scrub rocks within a square foot around her in front of the net to scrub off any particles or debris and catch them in the net for five minutes. 

Our group ended up finding seven mayfly nymph and one spider. We were fascinated by a mayfly nymph that would move fast and closed up and it squirm like a worm. We found this portion of our experiment very exciting. We later got to put it under a microscope and identify it better and it was really cool to see it up close.

The next day, we went out to the pond to try and find more invertebrates. The water was brownish and had mud inside so we did not scrub rocks this time. Josephine went inside with waders to collect invertebrates and tried collecting invertebrates by moving the net around the pond and avoiding mud and leaves. (on the right there is a link to a video of the invertebrates we caught)

video of invertebrates

After, we poured somewhat clean water over the net upside down and tried to identify our findings : we found two dragonfly larva, one spider and one fish. It was interesting to see these insects up close. the only problem was that the water was quite murky and dirty so we were not able to see them too clearly and the invertebrates were very hard to catch.

After we found these invertebrates we used two Appendixes to identify them : Appendix one helped us identify the species and Appendix two helped us identify the water quality they generally lived in. I made a chart of the data we gathered in the whole class :

pond                                                                                                                        river                        

4 dragonfly nymph Tolerant to low levels of pollution 1 caddisfly  larva Indicates good water quality
3 aquatic sow bugs Tolerant to low levels of pollution 16 mayfly larva Indicates good water quality
1 water mite Non dependent to water quality 1 Dead bug (flying ant) Found everywhere, no matter the water quality
1 alderfly Tolerant to low levels of pollution 2 snails Found everywhere, no matter the water quality
5 fish Non determined 1 water mite Found everywhere, no matter the water quality
2 spider Found everywhere, no matter the water quality 2 Stonefly nymph Found in places with good water quality
1 dragonfly suborder Tolerant to low levels of pollution 1 Crane fly larva Tolerant to low levels of pollution
3 dragonfly larvae Tolerant to low levels of pollution 2 Dragonfly nymph Tolerant to low levels of pollution
1 Spider  Found everywhere, no matter the water quality
1 leech Found everywhere, no matter the

With this data, we were able to declare that the pond had fairly good water with a little pollution  because the invertebrates were tolerant to some low levels of pollution. In the river, we discovered that the water quality was good because there were two invertebrates we found there who needed a good water quality to survive.

We also collected data and identified the dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature change, nitrates, phosphates, turbidity and total total dissolved solids. I made a chart with all of our information :


test results Q-value weighed Q-vale
Dissolved oxygen 92 95(0.23) 21.85
pH 6 88(0.15) 13.2
Temperature change 3 80(0.14) 11.2
nitrates 0 98(0.14) 13.72
phosphates 0.4 76(0.14) 10.64
turbidity 2 95(0.11) 10.45
Total dissolved solids 50 87(0.10) 8.7


test results Q-value weighed Q-value
Dissolved oxygen 90 92(0.23) 21.16                   
pH 5 54(0.15) 8.1
Temperature change 2 85(0.14) 11.9
nitrates 0 98(0.14) 13.72
phosphates 5 14(0.14) 1.96
turbidity 8 80(0.11) 8.8
Total dissolved solids 100 85(0.10) 8.5

I was one of the people in charge of identifying the pH values and we had to put sample water from each site on the pH paper and test it. PH values indicate the water quality. We found that the pond that a pH value of 5 so the water was acidic because pH values from 1-5 are acidic. then we found the river pH value was 6 so it was neutral or basic because levels 6-8 are basic. (and levels 9-14 and signs of a good water quality)

In conclusion, the invertebrates found in the water and the water quality are related because the invertebrates need a certain water quality and temperature to survive and live well.

Reflection : 

I think this experiment was extremely fun to do because we got to go outdoors and do the actual activity. It was cool to learn about the invertebrates but so much cooler to see them in real life. This is by far my favorite thing I’ve ever done in  science class because we got to use our experiences from the outdoors and learn something from them. Learning this way helps me remember things better and really care about the material we are learning. I learnt how to identify the water quality by finding invertebrates that live there and testing it for other qualities like pH values. This unit has been really interesting! In the future, maybe we could put more invertebrates under the microscope because it was really cool to see even more invertebrates up close!  

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