take your kid to work day

For take your kid to work day I went to my dad’s job. It was really great.

I went with my sister and in the morning we all set our alarms for 6:30. We got to the bus stop at 7:15 and took the bus to the west coast express to downtown Vancouver. Here is a picture of his office:

The view was was really pretty and I really liked the ride there. As soon as we got to our stop, we walked to my Dad’s office which was not that far away. His office is in Canada Place. The view around to office was so beautiful:

Once we got there, my dad introduced me and my sister to everyone in his office everyone seemed to be really nice. First, he told us a little bit about his company and the position he works in. He said that his position was Chief technology officer. Harvest one is a global consumer packaged goods company that develops and distributes premium health, wellness, and self care products to patients and consumers in regulated markets around the world with a specific focus on sleep, anxiety and pain.  The company harvests cannabis but they also do a lot more that that. The company currently has four brands: United greeneries, Dream water, Delivra and Satipharm. Only united greeneries sell the actual plant cannabis but they harvest it and sell the leaves that can also be used for medical purposes too. The only other brand that uses the cannabis is Satipharm and it uses a small part of the cannabis (CBD) in pills for only medical purposes. This helps the customers relax and it doesn’t have the same side effects as the “cannabis” we know of it doesn’t act like a drug. The other two brands do not use cannabis at all Dream water helps people relax before going to sleep and Delivers helps athletes who have tight or sore muscles. 

Since my dad works with technology he doesn’t have to do any of the work outside the office. His position is described as:

The CTO makes all executive decisions with regards to the technological interests of a company. They are responsible for outlining the company’s technological vision, implementing technology strategies, and ensuring that the technological resources are aligned with the company’s business needs. 

What he likes most about his job is the new and dynamic industry that things move fast. He likes to launch products and projects and likes learning something new everyday. he has the responsibility of making QR codes and other things to do with the product but also to make sure that the company’s information is safe and people don’t hack into it. My dad likes to meet new people and working with his colleges. My Dad doesn’t really like that in his workplace there are no established roles and responsibilities. He says he doesn’t like that the company lacks communication and that things are always changing. He says that He enjoys working with computer and technology, he likes coding things a lot. He has had a lot of training since he always worked for people in his neighborhood and helped out with technology related things because he was really good at it. He has 28 years of experience and was an analyst and architect for software solutions. He has liked technology since he can remember and has always enjoyed a new challenge. He says that for his position,  it is important to understand his business needs and priorities. He has a NBA degree. People say he has a high EQ (emotional intelligence) which means he can identify his feelings well and apparently it is a good trait to have for pretty much any job.

Later, we went out for lunch.  We had “Thai express” from a food court nearby but before that we took a walk downtown and it was really nice.

Once we were done with the food, we walked back to his office. Me and my sister also ate cupcakes since someone had brought three boxes of mini cupcakes to work to share with the office. We stayed out on the balcony and enjoyed the view while doing homework. 

After a couple of hours, we said bye to the people and left the office. We went on a sea bus and it was really great the view was also really beautiful but we didn’t have time to walk around once we got to the other side of the water because we wanted to catch the first train back. The view this time was also really pretty.

In conclusion, I think that today was really fun and that my dad’s job seems interesting and he seems to like what he does. But I’m still not completely sure what job I want when I’m older.

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