Why post-secondary G.P.A should be lowered

G.P.A standards should be lowered for post-secondary; other factors should be brought to attention besides the students past high school work rates. Student athlete’s main focuses are more than likely towards the sport they are working for. But sadly, to some people, grades are a pretty large factor in getting scholarships. What if they were not as close in comparison, what if the sport meant more than the grades? Most people think that to get a scholarship you must have the G.P.A and that is true, but if the scholarship is for something more thank for school, that should be the main focus. Think about how much stress it would take off so many exceptional athletes. I’m not saying students would have to work less at all in fact the sport side of the scholarships would mean way more and higher standards would be set for athletic ability. What if the best soccer player in the country was looking to get a scholarship, all the schools wanted this person. But their academic ability was less than average. It would be a shame if this student was passed up, would they still be accepted? In my opinion and hopefully the opinions of many others we should be rethinking school scholarship requirements. There are so many amazing athletes out there that are not eligible to get these scholarships. School is not their main priority and the only way to be able to attend post-secondary is taken away because they can’t afford regular tuition. People say there needs to be balance, I agree but only to some extent for mediocre athletes but not in the lines of a outstanding one. If you are looking for an academic scholarship your G.P.A must be top notch and that makes sense. But athletically on the other hand don’t you think your fitness and actual well doing of the sport should be top notch? It only makes perfect sense. Like I said at the beginning G.P.A standards should be lowered for post-secondary. But as I have stated only for top notch athletes.

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