Real Motion Moments

This Video has both the acceleration and velocity concepts. I chose this because it can you give you a good understanding while being catching and fun at the same time.

This video educates you on speed and velocity. it has equations and also explains what velocity it and how you work it into equations. It is very helpful when needing to understand something that you are having trouble with. with over course making it fun and interesting.

This video isn’t that amusing but I thought it gave a good understanding of how acceleration works and described it using a car which we use everyday so it would be relatively familiar to get to undertsand

Immigration Journal

I really enjoyed doing this project, I thought it gave you a chance to be creative with your writing instead of straight up facts. I likes that when I was writing I got the chance to really try and understand how a black slave would have felt even though I will never truly understand the horrors. My favourite part was being creative with how I got to present. I loved tea staining because it really made it look real. I don’t think I would change anything about this project I liked all of it.