Animal Farm Propaganda Poster

Animal Farm

Propaganda poster


In the book Animal Farm, all the animals represent humans in the Russian Revolution. The book starts off as a group of animals who are mistreated by their farmer, Mr. Jones. One day Mr. Jones didn’t feed the animals all day so that night the animals broke into the barn to get some food. Mr. Jones, drunk as usual heard this noise and him and his men went to check it out. When they got there the animals where found and the men started to hit them, but the animals fought back and shooed Mr. Jones and his men off the farm. The story continues with the animals living free and taking care of them selves all on their own.


In this book I was asked to make a propaganda poster, I chose to make my poster of the pigs leading everyone and on the poster it states “Unite as One” and there is one pig standing front and centre with their flag in hand and all the other animals standing around the one pig. So right away I could recognize that Bandwagon is a type of propaganda presented, the one pig stands up front and everyone follows. Card Stacking is also another type of propaganda, where on the poster I am making the animals look better than Mr. Jones. An obvious type of propaganda here as well is Glittering Generalities, by using “Unite as One” and making it big, bold and clear it is making people look at the poster and wanting to know and read more. My final type of propaganda that I found was presented in this poster was fear, if the animals of the farm don’t stick together then everything can fall apart and then there would be a good chance that Mr. Jones will come back and take owner ship again.
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