Potassium Iodide (KI)

Potassium Iodide (KI)

How we use it: KI is a powdery substance use to protect the thyroid gland form possible radiation injury. Radiation injuries include sun damage, too much exposure to tanning beds, x-rays, and even nuclear weapons.


Physical Properties: An odourless, white, solid, powdery

Boiling point- 1323 degrees Celsius

Melting point- 681 degrees Celsius

Density- 3.12g/cu cm


Chemical Properties: soluble with water

How does KI dissolve in water?

The solubility of the solution would be determined through the temperature of the water.

Is there a KI substitute?

Kelp supplements can act as KI.

What part of your body does KI protect?

KI protects your thyroid gland, and internal radioactive damage. This is not used for external damage.

Are there other uses for KI?

KI can also be used as expectorant syrup at a concentration of 2% for respiratory infections, cystic fibrosis or pulmonary diseases.


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