Monthly Archives: February 2016
Gender Equality
This article is about gender equality and how boys, especially in third world countries, have access to more resources and overall have more benefits. This article states that woman empowerment can help woman find more opportunities whether it is an education or finding a stable job. I chose this article because it was the article that interested me the most. I like how they talked about what gender equality is and they also gave some facts and statistics about the differences between woman and men. I learned that if girls are more educated they are more likely to wait until they are older to marry someone and raise healthier children who will be likely to attends a school when they get older. The interesting thing is that in the 2nd paragraph, it says “Families may also rely on girls’ labor for household chores, carrying water, and childcare, leaving limited time for schooling.” In The Friday Everything Changes, it was the boys who always carried the water buckets and it was the girls who envied them. Overall I think that this article is very interesting and it had some very interesting statistics.