Mini – Inquiry Project Poem


Reflection: A poem by Sophia Pollock

A piece of glass hangs on a wall

A reflection of the person you wish to be

The longer you wait to begin the less likely you are to find it

Your voice, your being, that thing trapped inside you

Scratching and clawing like a monster waiting to be let out of a cage

You must be brave and contain that rage

That monster inside you must conform to the norm

Calm the storm and breath

Mixed signals getting intertwined till you don’t know which cord to cut

To stop the explosion

Be the person others want

Be the person the glass reflects

A mirror, isn’t exactly a gift

It is just a sinking reminder of the person you wish to be

But Ugly live up on the inside

The mirror won’t show you what you need to change

The glass only helps with vanity and destroying sanity

You have to dig through the mess

Call out in distress

Ask for help.

Be who you are

Not who the world wishes to see

Don’t flee, fly free

Only by releasing the monster can your heart see

The reflection in the glass that you wish to be




This poem opens with a powerful line; “A piece of glass hangs on the wall”, you will notice how powerful this piece of glass is and how this metaphorical mirror is what controls our life, trying to achieve that “perfection” and fit in with society. We ask ourselves is it better to fit in with society or stand out? This poem encourages us to stand out and be who we are. If you stand out from society, you will often be happier in life. Some evidence of this theme is found in a quote from the Dead Poets Society found within the poem. This quote is spoken by Keating, who is urging the boys to find their own voices. He illustrates how being themselves will make them happier. Next, we see another allusion made toward the Help. “Ugly live up on the inside” is a quote spoken by Aibileen referring to how what makes you ugly isn’t what you look like, but who you are on the inside. If deep down you are just trying to be that person society wants, that is what makes you ugly. This demonstrates how, who you are on the inside will determine how happy you are. Finally, the poet finishes the poem by stating that only by releasing the monster can we find who we are truly meant to be. The monster being a metaphor for who you truly are. This quote sums up the essence of this poem and confirms the message.




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