Hubbard 2019 Data Analysis Thoughts

Explain the role statistics have in society?


I think statistics play a large role in society because our world has access to the internet and there for an answer to every question we might ask. The problem is not all these answers are relavent and not all of them are true. Statistics is a way people try and prove their answer is correct but the problem is sometimes this information is not reliable either. With answers at the click of  a button we have to find a reliable way to weed out false or biased information.


After reading the article…

Anything new that you have learned about the importance of statistics in our society? Describe the different types of problems with statistics 


I learned a lot. Something that stuc with me a lot is that the smaller the sampling the more likely you are leaving it to chance. Having 10 people does not = the entire population and you could just happen to get 10 people that all have the same opinion. Another problem we face is the wording of the questions. Wording  is so important and so many things can slip past the human mind. You might not realize you are being manipulated. I also found it interesting on how people can manipulate the results of statistics. I think the best advice was at the end. It said you should consider what the people asking the question want you to answer an then you should do your own research into the subject making your own informed decision.


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