We apologize for the video being sideways we had some technical difficulties. The script is below so you can follow along with our analogy.
D Interpase- The students arrive at the gym for the dodgeball team tryouts. The students are getting ready to play a game of dodgeball.
O Prophase i- the coaches (nucleus walls) are placing the balls(chromosome) all around the gym (cell walls).
S Metaphase i- the students(belt) leave the walls and grab two balls, during this time the foam(information/genes) from one ball gets on another ball.
D Anaphase i- The students line up in the middle of the gym, the students then throw the ball to each side of the gym walls to activate the balls for the game, but before they can go pick it up again, another student (nucleus wall) picks up one of there ball that was thrown at the wall.
O Telophase i- the students with the balls are now protecting the ball splitting to the two sides of the gym and strategizing with there team.
S Cell division i- the coach now moves half of the students with a ball to another gym for more tryout evaluations with other players.
D Prophase ii- now that half of the students are in a new gym the students are getting ready with there dodgeball.
O Metaphase ii- the students line up in the middle with there ball.
S Anaphase ii- the students get a little rambunctious and they pull the dodgeballs to hard. Because the dodgeballs are old they split in half. The students decide to keep playing and throw the balls at the gym walls to activate them
D Telophase ii- Every student now has a piece of dodgeball and is protecting it from the other students
S Cell division 2 – The students are brought to different gyms while the coach makes a decision on who will represent the school on the district team
O Gametes– For the district team they have one female player. She is a wariorress and is the captain of the team but she is looking for a cocaptain so all the male dodgeball players, the warriors, run to her to try and convince her they are the best.
S Fertilization- All the boys start racing to the warrioress, who, they all know is the best dodgeball player in the district ( this represents sperm racing to an egg). after all the other warriors have given up, the warrioress finally chooses one warrior to be cocaptain.
D Development- the warrior and the warrioress go and find boys and girls to be on the district team and they train together everyday becoming stronger
O Birth- when everyone on the team is ready and strong they go out in the world to play with other teams