Partner Paragraph – Ocean

What I found as I interviewed my partner; was that his name was as unique as his interests.

When asked about his dream, he gave back quite a surprising answer. “I don’t know.”

His confidence, and how he was undisturbed about not being sure what to do was a refreshing and new answer. On the topic of food, however, he was sure that his word was not to be misconceived. To directly quote, “Most vegetables and fruits,” were the objects of his dissatisfaction. To be specific, his least favorite foods were broccoli and Brussel sprouts. And as we can gather from this, he expressed how he prefers sweet over salty, the common way the listed vegetables are prepared.

Moving on from the topic of food, Ocean very much enjoys films and books that carry the theme of animation. The last book he had read was a guide book to the well-known video game Pokémon. His favorite movie is Zootopia, a fictional film about animals learning to cooperate to create a harmonious environment to live in.

He enjoys gym class, where we are given time to socialize and are free to roam. This surely is what sets it apart from other classes. Although he likes to get up and about, there are times where he chooses to wind down and watch YouTube; specifically the channel Mr. Beast! Famous for giving away generous amounts of money, Mr. Beast is Ocean’s favorite Youtuber.

Although night time is associated with darkness and mystery, Ocean finds this time to be quite favorable. Perhaps this is why he chose winter as his favorite season, where the sun says its goodbyes quickly and daylight does not last long.

Even though all the things I learned about were interesting, the way he approaches his future, resonated with me very much. Everything I learned about him was new and unique, very much like his name.

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