Tidal Turbine

A tidal turbine helps the environment to produce electricity environmentally safe, a tidal turbine is a modified version of a wind turbine because water creates more force and is 832 times denser than air. Tidal power is a form of hydropower that creates energy. like a wind turbine. Tidal turbines are very effective and useful, but they are not used for normal citizens, since it is still in experiment, but they are very effective and useful. The pros of a tidal turbine is that they are easy to install, renewable and do not use any greenhouse gases, a few other reasons why tidal turbines are good to the environment is because they have a low environmental impact, and tidal turbines are placed close to shore to reduce the impact of harming marine life. Also, if people put the tidal turbines near the shore then the current will be stronger because there are two low tides and two high tides in one day. A tidal turbine is also easy to fix and inexpensive, so if a part breaks off or malfunctions, then it would be easily replaced and that parts would not be expensive. 

Some vital parts of a tidal turbine are the generator, the generator is what converts the mechanical energy into current using the turbine, the turbine is a vital part to the tidal turbine because the turbine produces mechanical energy by rotating like the blades on the end of a boat.  

Some problems that are in the way are that tidal turbines produce an uneven amount of energy that is required to the daily use of electricity. Another problem that might be in the way is that marine life might get harmed, even though the tidal turbines are close to shore they still can be harmful to ducks, crabs etc. Not only will the animals get in the way, but the rocks can also make the tidal turbine malfunction, for example, the tidal turbine spins a little faster than usual, the rocks start to get in the current of the water, then the rock makes a huge dent in the generator and the rock gets stuck in between the turbine and the main shaft. 

Sources: https://www.studentenergy.org/topics/tidal-power

Last updated: 9/12/19

Made by: Annick Kabeya

About: Student energy is a charity website that is planning to build “the next generation for energy leaders who will accelerate the world’s transition into a sustainable energy future.” 


Last updated: February 2017

Made by: Michael Whiticar

about: Energy BC is a comprehensive and objective resource on energy sources, uses and issues in British Columbia. The project has been developed by Dr. Michael Whiticar at the University of Victoria.

power cable



turbine blades

front view of tidal turbine



periodic table self assessment

This is the link to my self assessment.


This is the link to me and Solomon’s periodic table.


 1.  How can we improve and modify the current periodic table? 

         Can we colour code the periodic table? 

          How can we make it visually pleasing? 

  1. The periodic table tells us the atomic mass and the atomic number in each order from left to right. It also organizes the periodic table into its families for example: alkali metals, earth alkali metals, etc.

3.Placing the families into rows and placing them on top of each other (vertically). We will be using a hexagon pattern instead of using a square patternOur plan is to colour code the families and to also change the shape into hexagons instead of squares to increase attraction 

  1. we chose to do our periodic table is a hexagon pattern because we wanted to make it as visually pleasing as possible, we wanted to make the periodic table vertically because it looked very organized and we also colour coded it to make it more organized since it looks different then the normal periodic table. 
  2. We had some miscommunication during the making of the periodic table, I thought that we were making a hexagon pattern periodic table that is in normal order. We were actually doing the periodic table in vertical order.

A Fresh New Look At The Periodic Table

here is the link to my and solomon’s periodic table.



     1.  How can we improve and modify the current periodic table? 

         Can we colour code the periodic table? 

          How can we make it visually pleasing? 

  1. The periodic table tells us the atomic mass and the atomic number in each order from left to right. It also organizes the periodic table into its families for example: alkali metals, earth alkali metals, etc.

3.Placing the families into rows and placing them on top of each other (vertically). We will be using a hexagon pattern instead of using a square patternOur plan is to colour code the families and to also change the shape into hexagons instead of squares to increase attraction 

  1. we chose to do our periodic table is a hexagon pattern because we wanted to make it as visually pleasing as possible, we wanted to make the periodic table vertically because it looked very organized and we also colour coded it to make it more organized since it looks differentthen the normal periodic table. 
  2. We had some miscommunication during the making of the periodic table, I thought that we were making a hexagon pattern periodic table that is in normal order. We were actually doing the periodic table in vertical order.


water quality research

My group and I have been doing research on the Oxbow pond and the Coquitlam river about the water quality and if it is safe to drink. first off i believe that the water at Oxbow pond is unsafe to drink because the water smells like sewage water, also the water turbidity was brown and still. another reason why the Oxbow pond water may not be safe to drink is because there are very small creatures like little leeches, little fish and other tiny creatures. On the other hand, the Coquitlam river may be safer to drink because it does not have a smell, also most of the water looked clean and clear, although near the other end of the creek the rocks in the water looked rusted. there weren’t any creatures in the moving water but near the other side of land there was some water-striders in a big pond where the creek water was lightly flowing and habitable.

personally I believe that me and my group worked hard enough but when we went into the water to assess how clean the Coquitlam river and Oxbow pond was we had a bit of a communication problem, when we were at the Coquitlam river when we were taking the test strips I might have miscommunicated because when I was using the test strips i told Caleb that the test strip was saying that it was around 10 for turbidity, but there was no such thing as “10” on the test strip evaluation, I think that i meant to say 6.5 because most people got around that mark. Next time i will try to explain my answers more clear if we have another one of these types of experiments.

How can we use plastic waste for 3D printing?

Hi my name is Shyaan and my science research question is if we can use plastic for 3D printing. So, you may be thinking “how can you make recycled plastic waste into a 3D filament?” well my hypothesis is that if we can melt plastic enough to shape it but not melt the plastic too much because if we burn plastic the plastic releases gas and toxins that damages our body by stressing the immune system, for example shortness of breath and dizziness, if you are exposed to the plastic fumes for too long you may have cancer. Another risk of melting plastic is the pollution, if we burn plastic there is a high chance it will damage the environment and the ozone system. Another possible way to shape plastic is to use thin single-use plastic such as plastic bottles and plastic straws and cut them into small chunks then heat the plastic with a hot air gun then shape the plastic into a 3D printer filament with a mould, in conclusion I think that using recycled (single used) plastic for 3D printing will be revolutionary because it will be used for a better and more useful cause.


1A) https://engineering.mit.edu



2A) Siting my scources

how to see if a website is real

3A) if a website says .ca, .com, or .edu is one way of seeing if if a website is real. Another way of seeing if a website is fake is if the website has poor grammar and spelling mistakes

4A)if the website is a regularly updated website, for example, you find a website about bugs but you are a bit skeptical because this website was uploaded in 1995 but you also find a website about the most recent found bugs that is recently updated you would problably find the newest website more helpful.

5A) I think that I did pretty good for not copying any websites but I could not find a video related to turning plastic waste into 3D printing filament.