Riverside Secondary Sinking in Stress

Visiting earth is all fun and games, until ‘treating depression’ goes a step too far.

Today is my last day on earth. I explored the ins and outs of humans as they underwent the pressure of the high school hierarchy, scholar ships, homework, popularity, social media, post secondary education, families, friends, and puberty. On my very first day, the high school heat took me by surprise. Riverside Secondary is filled with cliques. You have the nerds, potheads, jocks, anime lovers, people with brightly coloured hair, popular people, the rave people, and everyone in between. On my first day, I tagged along with the jocks to find out what was crushing them inside. No surprise here, but their number one stressor is scholar ships. Their whole life revolved around sports, which made it unbearable to think that they wouldn’t get into the top-schools. They were very competitive within the group, but didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the school. With all this pressure standing on their shoulders I wanted to know how they coped with their stress. After a few short hours with them, it was clear to me that practice is what made them perfect. The next day, I decided to see how the other half lived with the anime lovers. They actually seemed to be generally happy people, considering how they rarely even associate with the rest of the school. They were all very intelligent, so their biggest stressors seemed to be who was going to die in the next episode of anime, as opposed to what school they would be getting into. I had a lot of information to absorb that night, and a lot to prepare myself for. The next day, I would be chilling with the rave squad. At lunch, while everyone was talking about their rave outfits, I had time to fit in some questions about why they rave. “It’s an easy escape from reality, while giving us memories and a good time,” said one girl. This really resonated with me. They had no regrets, no fears, but just wanted a good time.
