Science 10

The Maelifell Volcano, Iceland


Surrounded in hot springs, this beautiful moss-covered volcano found in southern island is a major attraction. Standing 800 meters tall, it’s classified as an extinct strata volcano that hasn’t erupted in over 10,000 years. In the colder months, this volcano is hardly visible because it’s covered in snow. Once the snow starts to melt, the moss covering the volcano is grey. As the summer brings in warmer weather the moss changed to a bright distinct green. It rests as a hot spot on the Mid-Atlantic ridge. This volcano will stand for centuries more, and will forever be a beautiful attraction.


“Home.” Maelifell in a Super Jeep – Measure-Hill – Day tour in Iceland. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

“Top 10 Stunning Volcanoes Around the World.” Places To See In Your Lifetime. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

Amazing_Places. “Mt. Mælifell , Iceland.” | Amazing Places |. | Amazing Places |, 23 July 2015. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

Gene Therapy

gene ther·a·py
the transplantation of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders.


Through the years, biology has made a multitude of significant breakthroughs that change the way we live today. One of the many incredible successes includes gene therapy. Commonly used for medical purposes, gene therapy is the process of gene insertion to an individual’s cells. Gene therapy is used for many purposes, especially with hereditary diseases when mutant alleles are replaced with properly functioning ones.

Although gene therapy is just in it’s early stages, this newly found treatment method has already proven to work for a number of inherited diseases and even some types of cancer. Gene therapy is working towards being a promising treatment option for muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis. As of today, gene therapy is only available in research settings. Scientists are evolving this new way of treatment that potentially can knock out all drugs and surgeries. Currently gene therapy is a very dangerous concept, and can put patients in risk of toxicity and inflammation. Since it is such a new idea to us, gene therapy is only being used to fight diseases that have no other found cures. more about gene therapy


If we tried inserting a gene directly into an individual’s cells, it typically would not work. Scientists have discovered a new way of delivering the genes, using a carrier called a vector. Quite often, they use viruses as vectors to infect the cell to allow a new gene. The vector can either be injected, or a sample of cells can be removed from a target area on one individual. The vector would be added to the cells in a laboratory setting, then inserted back into the individuals body. The cells should start producing regular proteins, to potentially stop the mutant. Not that long ago, scientists discovered that mutant genes had found a way to work around the gene therapy and still deliver the mutant genes to cells. Scientists are working on harnessing that problem by manipulating the mutant genome to deliver regular cells. vectors and more


Since gene therapy can cure some hereditary diseases, is it still possible to pass these diseases off to your kids? Current research has been made up of gene therapy where the target is either bone marrow or blood cells. In this case, the therapy would not be passed down through reproduction. In the future, scientists will aim to target the therapy into the eggs or sperm of an individual, which will hopefully allow the inserted gene to be passed down. This is obviously an important approach, (called germline therapy) because it provides the opportunity to completely eliminate certain diseases. There are also negative affects too, that can be very unpredictable such as affecting the development of a fetus. Because there are so many concerns, the US federal government refuses to fund germline therapy research. details


Germline gene therapy is looking at this treatment from one perspective, but lets take a look at somatic gene therapy. Somatic gene therapy is the opposite of germline, where the normal DNA is transferred to a part of the body that does not produce sperm or eggs. Any effects that may happen on the parent would not be passed down to the child. Scientists are currently working with somatic gene therapy, in attempt to make it safer and efficient. Since somatic therapy does not target any reproduction essentials, there are no concerns on affecting the fetus or new life. This makes it much easier to study, which is why scientists are focusing on somatic therapy, hoping to make germline work in the future.


My dad had genetic colon cancer 2 years ago. His grandfather had the same type of cancer far in the past. My dad managed to get rid of his cancer without chemo, and got his colon removed. I will have to go for regular tests starting in just a few years, to see if I have the same virus and if they can do anything to prevent it. I was wondering if gene therapy could do anything to stop this virus in it’s early stages, and for my genes to start producing regular proteins. Gene therapy has been tested successfully for certain types of cancer, but is not ready for testing on real human lives yet given it has only been executed in research lab settings. Possibly if I have to get treatment in the future, gene therapy will have advanced enough research to actually safely try.


Though all concepts of biology have been exceptional parts of our growing world, gene therapy is one of the most impactful and life-changing. We seised to imagine the possibilities that came along with one bright idea. Gene therapy has already proven to prevent hundreds of genetic viruses, and the research and tests have barely even started.


Science is Magic – Burning Money

Josh, Makenna and I decided to take magic to the next level and find out what really happens when these illusions take place. We decided to research what’s behind burning money. First we discovered that we had to soak the money in isopropyl alcohol which makes it so flammable. We also had to soak it in water though, so the money wouldn’t actually burn. The flame goes out once all the alcohol is burnt off, and isn’t strong enough to evaporate the water so the money is protected. This was a very interesting experiment to research, and makes a complex-looking magic trick very simple.


Lab Report

Burning money



Isopropyl alcohol is extremely flammable and when the bill is soaked in the solution, it is the alcohol that burns. The water in the solution is there to prevent the bill from burning, with no water, or too little the bill will burn. The alcohol burning temperature is not hot enough to evaporate the water, so the bill stays wet and doesn’t heat up to its ignition temperature (233oC).


Procedure :

  1. Pour 100mL of water and 100mL of isopropyl alcohol into a beaker.
  2. Fill another beaker with water (to extinguish the fire if needed )
  3. Add a pinch of table salt into the solution and mix until dissolved.
  4. Using tongs, soak the bill in the isopropyl alcohol solution
  5. Remove the bill, letting any excess liquid drain back into the cup, then carefully ignite the bottom of the bill on fire.


Chemical reaction:

A combustion reaction occurs between isopropyl alcohol and oxygen gas, producing carbon dioxide and water.


The equation for this reaction is:

C2H5OH + O-> CO+ H2O


Balanced equation:


C2H5OH + 4O2 -> 2CO2 + 3H2O


The table salt is a colorant, therefore it is not part of the equation.


The outcome of the experiment was that the isopropyl alcohol burned leaving the money untouched. The bill was wet from the water, which did not evaporate because the burning temperature of the isopropyl alcohol is not that high. The bill ended up even being cold to the touch immediately after the experiment. The experiment went as planned, and the outcome was the same as our proposed outcome.

How it is magic

The experiment is “magic” because the money appears to be on fire, however it does not end up burning. Anyone who is watching the “magic trick”, will most likely not know the scientific reasoning to what is happening. Without knowing the chemical reaction behind the experiment, it’s very easy to think that the actual bill is on fire. The isopropyl alcohol is transparent and colourless, making it hard to tell that it is being set on fire. Once all the alcohol is burned up, the money is left completely intact. The audience could not tell that the bill was not being burned, so they are left believing that magic did all the work.

Bubble Gum Lab

Today in class we measured which leading gum brand could stretch the longest and blow the biggest bubbles.

Gum A (Hubba Bubba) was best at blowing bubbles, and because of its dense form it was able to stay strong and not rip. Gum B, however, (Big League Chew) was able to stretch much further. This is because it was quite soft, light, and thin. I believe that although Gum B was able to stretch further, Gum A was the overall best gum for bubble blowing purposes. The softness of Gum B made for an easier blow of the bubble, but the denseness and strong qualities of Gum A are what kept it the winning brand.


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