All posts by shaylyng2016

Grammar Talks – Parentheses & Brackets

Grammar Rule & Examples:

For our Grammar Talks presentation, we chose parentheses and brackets as our grammar rule. The first thing that I learned was how to distinguish parentheses from brackets: parentheses are round brackets ( ) and brackets are the squared version of parentheses [ ]. Parentheses are similar to commas as they can expand on an afterthought or an explanation, they can add more information to a sentence and they can be used as interrupters in a sentence which can change the style of writing. When using parentheses, you could also remove the words in the parentheses and the point of the sentence would still get across. An example of a sentence using parentheses is: “Toby Ford (last year’s team captain) is expected to win most valuable player.” The information inside of the parentheses is information that otherwise would not have been included. Brackets can be used to clarify, to correct or to further explain what was intended by the original speaker. An example using brackets to clarify information is “She [Angelina Jolie] is a very kind person.” This is a perfect example of how to use brackets because the reader may not have known what “She” was referring to, allowing the original speaker to further explain their intents by adding useful information into the brackets. When using periods with parentheses or brackets, the period almost always goes at the end of the sentence on the outside of the parentheses or brackets. However, the period could go on the inside of the parentheses if the entire clause is in the parentheses. “I ate all of the pickles in the jar. (They were quite delicious.)” I also learned that parentheses and brackets can be used together in a sentence. The square brackets can be used inside the parentheses to indicate something dependent to the dependent clause. However, parentheses and brackets can never be used interchangeably.


Straus, Jane, and GrammarBook. “Parentheses and Brackets.” | Your #1 Source for Grammar and Punctuation, Jane Straus/GrammarBook,

“Brackets and Parentheses | English Grammar.” EF Blog, EF Education First Ltd.

Oxford University Press. “Parentheses and Brackets ( ) [ ] | Oxford Dictionaries.” Oxford Dictionaries | English, Oxford Dictionaries, “What Are The ( ) { } [ ] And ⟨ ⟩?”,, 21 Aug. 2018,


Technology Paragraph

Do you think we are too reliant on technology?

Over the past few years, technology has grown in ways that we never could have imagined and because of these ongoing developments, our society has been forced to adapt to this new way of living. We have learned to become almost completely dependent on the technology that surrounds us and soon enough, machines will most likely be doing everything for us. We have become so reliant on technology that “42% of teenage girls and 39-45% of teenage boys say that they get anxious when they do not have access to their phones.” However, this issue is not only affecting our generation, but also the generations that have come before us. Parents today depend on technology to entertain their children; doctors rely on it to aid in medical procedures and thousands of jobs are being replaced by machines that are supposedly more efficient and intelligent than any human. It is sad to think that the average age for a child to receive a cellphone is 10 years old. Giving a child a phone at such a young age is not going to benefit them in the future. It is instead teaching them that hours spent on social media and video games is acceptable and even normal or healthy. Technology has become a tool that most people could not live without. If the reliance continues to advance in the direction that it is going, we should be worried about the next generations ability to thrive.

Week 17 – Pre Calc 11

This week in Pre Calc 11 we learned how to use the Sine and Cosine laws and when to use them. We learned that the Sine Law is used to determine a side or an angle of a triangle in which you couldn’t use SOH CAH TOA, a non-right triangle. Sine Law has two versions of the formula, one is used to find a missing angle and the reciprocal of the formula is used to find a missing side. The formula to find an angle is: \frac{sinA}{a}=\frac{sinB}{b}=\frac{sinC}{c}. The formula to find a missing side is: \frac{a}{sinA}=\frac{b}{sinB}=\frac{c}{sinC}. To know which of the two formuals to use, we must remember that the variable must be in the numerator.

For example: Determine the measure of angle C.

First we must use the formula with the angles in the numerator to be able to determine angle C: \frac{sinA}{a}=\frac{sin50}{7}=\frac{sinC}{9}. Next we must eliminate the portion of the formula that does not give us any useful information: \frac{sin50}{7}=\frac{sinC}{9}. Once we have our equation, we can finish solving for angle C: \frac{9(sin50)}{7}=sinC. This can be simplified to: 80=sinC. Next we must do the inverse sine of 80 degrees to solve for angle C. Our final answer will be: C=100.

The Cosine Law is used when you need to find a third side of a triangle, when the angle opposite to the side is given you are able to use the Cosine formula: a^2=b^2=c^2-2bc cosA, to determine the length of the third side. We can rearrange the formula to solve for any variable, however the variable that is written on the left side of the equal side and the cosine variable must remain the same variable. Solving for a side using the Cosine Law formula is fairly straight forward, the first step is to input the information that we were given, into the formula. From there, we must solve the equation and finally square root both sides to find the final answer. We also learned that there is a second version of the Cosine Law formula that is used to determine a missing angle in a triangle: cosA=\frac{b^2+c^2-a^2}{2bc}.

Week 15 – Pre Calc 11

This week in Pre Calc 11 we learned how Solve Rational Equations. We learned that there are multiple ways to solve rational equations, that vary depending on what the arrangement and difficulty of the equation. The first step is to always verify that our terms are completely factored and if they are not, you must factor it and then determine the non permissible values. The first way to solve a rational equation is to move like terms to one side of the equation for example in the equation: 4+\frac{2}{x}=\frac{3}{x} you would first want to move the \frac{2}{x} to the right side of the equation to be able to solve it in a more efficient way, because they have a common denominator you are allowed to subract 3 by 2. Another way to solve rational equations is by cross multiplying. However, this method only works if there are only two fractions, one on either side of the equal sign. For exmaple, \frac{x-3}{5x}=\frac{x+4}{2} is an example of an equation that you are able to cross multiply to help you solve it. To cross multiply, you multiply (x-3)(2) and (5x)(x+4), leaving you with 2(x-3)=5x(x+4) as your new equation. We also learned how to multiply through an equation using a common denominator. When you do this, you are putting the entire equation over a common denominator which means that it can basically cancel out when you multiply through, which will leave you with only the numerator to solve. For example, \frac{7}{x+4}+\frac{3}{x}=\frac{4}{x+4} can be easily solved if you multiply each fraction by the common denominator which is x(x+4). This will leave you with 7x+3(x+4)=4x. Once we have cancelled out the numerator, you can now solve for x. The last method that we learned was that if the numerator’s or the denominator’s of an equation that has only two fractions (one on either side of the equal sign) are equal to one another than that means that the numerator’s or denominator’s must also be equal. This allows you to eliminate the numerator’s or the denominator’s to make it easier to solve. For example, \frac{15}{x+7}=\frac{5x}{x+7} have the same denomintor which tells you that the numerator’s will also be equal to one another, allowing you to eliminate the denominator’s, leaving you with a simplified equation of 15=5x. From there you must determine whether or not it’s quadraitc or linear and then you can solve for x. If it’s quadratic you must make the equation equal to zero and then you must factor the trinomial and find out the possible solutions for x and if it’s linear you must isolate for x to determine the solution. Once you have determined the solution(s), you must check to make sure that they are not any of the pre-determined non permissible values.

Week 14 – Pre Calc 11

This week in Pre Calc 11 we learned how to add, subtract, divide and multiply rational expressions. We also learned how to determine non-permissible values of rational expressions. In class this week, we reviewed that a rational expression is an algebraic expression that can be written as the quotient of two polynomials. Rational expressions can not have a denominator of zero, therefore the variable in the denominator can not make the denominator equal to zero. The values for the variable that make the variable equal to zero are called the non-permissible values. We may have to factor out the denominator, to be able to determine the non-permissible values.

To multiply rational expressions, we can either multiply straight across, meaning that we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together and then simplify or we may simplify first so that the numbers and variables that we are working with are smaller. For example, in the expression (\frac{x^2}{4}) (\frac{2y}{3x^2}) I would first simplify the expression, by eliminating the x^2 from the numerator and denominator of this expression and I would also simplify the 2y and 4 to become y and 2. Leaving me with the newly simplified expression, (\frac{1}{2}) (\frac{y}{3}). Next we are able  to multiply straight across giving us our final answer: \frac{y}{6}. This is our final answer because it can not be simplified any further.

To divide rational expressions, we must first flip the numerator and the denominator of the second fraction, then we are able to simplify and then multiply straight across. When writing the non-permissible values of a rational expression that requires division, we must indicate all of the values that the variables can not be, meaning the ones that were in the denominator before it was reciprocated, as well as after.

To add and subtract rational expressions we must first determine the lowest common denominator and then rewrite the fractions as one big fraction, using the lowest common denominator. We may only add or subtract the numerators, the common denominator remains the same. Once we have determined our final answer and reduced it, we must state the non-permissible values.

I have included an example below that shows the detailed steps I would take when adding rational expressions and how to state the non-permissible values.