Three Reasons Why Atticus Finch is Unhuman
We all know Atticus Finch as a sincere, intelligent father who is willing to do anything to protect his children. He is your every day single dad and a hard working lawyer. A well mannered man living in Maycomb who treats everyone with respect, and always sees the positive side of everything. Atticus seems to come across as the perfect gentleman, and father, but under all that, is he really human?
1. He has laser eyes. oh-supermanwe-all-superman-laser-vision-man-of-steel-clipart 540-607.jpeg
Just like superman when he is shooting lasers with his eyes, he somehow can see clearly where he is aiming. When Atticus drops his glasses, trying to aim for the rabid dog with his gun, he makes a perfect shot on his first try. How is that even possible??? He hasn’t been shooting for years ever since he had his children and now suddenly, he is still good at shooting? Wouldn’t he have lost some of his skills?
Even people who have been training to shoot tin cans from miles away for all their life will have trouble shooting a moving dog, with blurry vision. If Atticus dropped his glasses, wouldn’t he be seeing double? How does he make out the image? How does he aim the dog on his first try after so many years with no practice? For normal people, after not using a gun for years will probably be hard to even remember how to shoot one! They would probably get startled by the loud gunshot and fall shooting in another direction. This is just unhuman!
2. He is always composed.
How on earth can someone be so relaxed and composed all the time, even on crazy situations? Him being a single father and being a lawyer can be stressful. No parent or child could ever do that. If he was human, he would’ve yelled at his children for making a game about another neighbour and trying to get their attention yet he pretends he doesn’t know.
When Aunt Alexandra criticised the way Scout was dressed, Atticus didn’t get upset or offended. Even when a nasty, mean, old lady spits nasty comments about him and his children, he replies with a compliment. If I were him, I would’ve smacked that woman and yelled back at her face. Yet Atticus composes himself as if it was nothing. How!? It’s impossible for someone to never get mad, it just isn’t! It’s a human emotion that you can’t control. Then here is Atticus who always sees the bright side of everyone and everything, and respects everyone equally, even though they treat him back like garbage.
3. He is wise
Atticus is like an owl. Not only does he have lots of knowledge, but he is someone who makes smart decisions that no one would even consider. He doesn’t allow other comments of others influence his perspective and somehow replies with these genius comments that tips everyone off their feet.
Just like during the trial, everyone is so convinced that it was Tom Robinson who raped Mayella, yet Atticus comes back shooting smart comments that no one else would think of. His questions are quite different such as asking was there a doctor called. You wouldn’t get it the first time why he would ask such a question, but Atticus would soon blow your mind once you followed along. His facts and reasons are all well showed which tricks everyone’s minds.
All his morals always sound like it came out of a quote book, but it’s said by him in his own words, a new moral in almost every single chapter, with deep meanings. How can someone come up with these knowledgeable statements teaching everyone valuable lessons on the spot? This is impossible!