The Human Condition
The novel Wonder, written by R. J. Palacio, takes place in Upper Manhattan in New York City. The story shows the life of a young boy named August Pullman, also known as Auggie, who has been homeschooled by his mother due to complicated health issues to a cranio-facial abnormality. When August turns ten, his parents want him to attend school, so he can learn how to navigate the world outside of his town house. The day he attends school, kids and other parents give August stares, pointed fingers, and laugh at his facial deformity. Despite the negativity, he continued to keep his head high by standing up for himself. Knowing everyone will continue to treat and see him differently, he continued to focus on his life with his new friends he encountered at school and his own happiness. This novel shows that the circumstances we face do not determine our happiness, it is our positive outlook and great attitude despite the hardship we face.