
*in black and white*

Girl is on her phone. Clips of her walking around school, outside, eating, talking with people, in class, etc. but every scene she is staring at her phone, not breaking contact

Narration: Spending too much time on social networking sites can ultimately affect your mood. Social media has been linked to higher levels of loneliness, envy, anxiety, depression, narcissism and more. Studies show that roughly 60% of users experience a decrease in self-esteem and confidence. Peer acceptance is very important to some teenager’s, so they seek for instant gratification and consolation.

Girl scrolling through Instagram, seeing influencers, getting rude comments. Looks in the mirror, judging herself, comparing herself to others

Narration: Social media has also shown to decrease social skills, which could greatly affect your relationships negative ways.

Someone finally rips the phone out of her hand

*in colour*

She is now happier, more confident, notices the world around her, appreciates relationships in her life, etc.

Narration: Various sources have led us to believe that limiting our usage to thirty minutes a day can greatly increase our quality of life. So… pause… take a break… and reconnect with yourself.