The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, directed by Mark Herman, is a story that takes place during World War II, that shows the friendship that two boys create after crossing paths between the fence of a Jewish concentration camp. An 8-year-old boy, named Bruno, and his family leave Berlin to live near the concentration camp where his dad has just recently become commandant. Bruno seemed to always be unhappy and alone. One day he was exploring the neighborhood and came across Shmuel, a Jewish boy around his age, living in the concentration camp. From that point forward they had a forbidden friendship, and all they wanted was to get rid of the barbed wire fence that was separating them. Oblivious of their surroundings, they could not prevent the racism and inequality that lead to the millions of deaths in World War II. The fence in the story represents the divide in society and between people. The overall message of the story/movie is that we are all people and deserve the same rights and opportunities, regardless of the difference of our culture, religion, race, etc.
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