My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month June 2017

Year End Reflection

One of the things I learned in this course was a very simple way to write an essay. I’ve always had trouble writing about 3 different topics about the main topic and I would always end up writing about the… Continue Reading →

Stop Motion: Taming of the Shrew Induction Scene


Article 1 : “How seemingly fake social media accounts permeate Alberta politics” In this article it talks about how many people create fake accounts with fake names and pictures and use it to comment on others posts hoping to stay… Continue Reading →

Intro to statistics

Explain what role you think statistics have in our society: I think statistics influence our every day choices, from what we’re going to wear down to what where we want to travel on vacation. There are so many articles saying… Continue Reading →

Innovation Final Project

Media Core Competency Receive others ideas respectfully, no put downs: Refining Try to restate views that oppose your own: Refining Use neutral language in disagreeing: Refining Offer your different viewpoints; don’t be steamrolled: Refining Welcome & seek insight in divergent… Continue Reading →

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