Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

Link to complete Desmos project:

Replication of this picture:

Written portion: 

In your post write to explain how you figured out what equations to use. Did you have any challenges? Any aha moments? Did you get help? Did you use any strategies? How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations? 

Firstly, I would use like to address that this was one of the longest I’ve ever spent in my entire life looking at functions and having to go through the process of tweaking each one until it correlated to my image. I guess I already found functions and graphing to be a bit challenging as is, that when I first started it was hard to actually make progress. After the second day of playing around with Desmos and getting more familiar with it, I could definitely see how graphs actually work and move around according to what you do to them (I think it was a great learning opportunity for me as well, especially as a visual learner, I really got to see and figure out what does what.) The challenges were definitely the progress time-wise and spending a long time (hours) manipulating graphs to reflect my image. Some of the graphing was hard as well, as for the equations I can’t seem to understand what function notation is (I even watched videos on it but I didn’t get how it correlated to some of the more complex graphing where 2 different equations were used instead) so I tried to make it work for some of the functions I used. I feel like as I went on with graphing and tweaking equations it started to get a bot easier because I understand how domain and range correlate to the equations as well. For the equations that I used, I just searched up parent graphs of the equations and “how to shade on Desmos” so that I could shade the eyes. I just used parent graphs and went on with adding my own numbers and restrictions because I personally think it’s easier to fix/add things to the graph yourself then having one that’s already created with numbers already there (it just makes me more confused.) My strategies were looking at the graphs I’ve already made (such as for the top of the eye) and how I could reflect it to make the bottom side of the eye. Rachel and I helped each other out especially with the sine and cosine graphs, and I googled parent graphs and shading techniques on Google, but other than that I did the rest myself (which is probably why it took so long.) This assignment definitely helped me understand the difference between horizontal and vertical stretches and how they look on the graph, also how reflections work.

***I am aware that the clothing/shirt doesn’t match the original photo, I just didn’t want to use simple linear graphs so I made another outfit using more “complex” function equations.***





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