
link to the project:


During this task, I had a lot of struggles, especially with the hair and nose part. It took me a lot of tries to figure out how to do each line, especially from the curly hair part. The equations I used during the process of creating my self-portrait were some quadratic expressions (mostly for the neck part), some square root functions, a relation equation and for my face, I also used a reciprocal function as well as a relation. For the neck, I used a simple equation just to lines that stop at the bottom of the face, for the head and eyes, I just made a relation equation, for the nose I used a chart with values to make a triangle, for the hair I had to use trigonometry equations to get curly or wavy hair and I made a parabola for the bangs, for the eyebrows I used long square root function and for mouth I used f(x) equation, most of these took tons of time to make even each line took a while to make, but I think it looks pretty good! To move certain things around I had to either change certain greater than or lesser values or switch different numbers that equal where my equation. I did get help from the Desmos website, I used the shape box to help me with the table and values of the nose and for the hair, I had to watch a Youtube video on how to make curly hair on Desmos. After I did the first strand of hair then I figured out how to do the others in less time. After the project, I feel like I understand how to manipulate different functions and how to move them around more easily I now also understand that graphing equations by hand takes a lot of work and thinking and even though it’s not overly complex I think it is still pretty good for my first time using Desmos.

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