Circle Talk Reflection

I think the talking circle was very unique. We started with a traditional native song and then we honored the people who are important in our lives. This activity made me think very much about those around me. For example, I thought about how my parents and my grandparents have influenced my growth and made me who I am today, and some simple childhood memories that meant a lot to me. It was also very interesting learning about everyone else’s traditions and those who have a second name. Overall, I enjoyed the talking circle as it was something new for me and I personally felt a connection between the whole class and I.

1. How can one learn through oral communication?

For me personally, I think speaking has a bigger impact on your brain, unlike thinking. Saying your thoughts out loud has a big difference between thinking inside your head. It helps you realize what you’re saying because sometimes it’s hard to form the words you want to say on the spot, or the way you’re speaking is not clear. I think that’s why practicing talking makes perfect, and can also help your brain learn as well. For me, saying my notes out loud helps my memory.

2. How did this exercise build community in this room?

We learned a bit of each other’s families and shared our own personal stories. Maybe some people within the circle found a connection between each other from their ancestors. Two examples include when we went around the circle talking about our grandparents, and some of our childhood memories. Another point is that, compared to a regular class discussion, everyone was involved in this exercise and participated in some way, and we were able to build a community as we shared who we were honoring.

Community Connections

 Image result for sinstersquids everest strayer

I interviewed an artist who goes by the name of Sinstersquids.

Sinistersquids is an artist who draws mostly cubed-shape art. Her art is inspired by food, anime, and Japanese culture. Sinistersquids runs an Etsy shop where she sells stickers, keychains, bags, clothing, and other accessories. She also has a sticker club on Patreon. I chose to interview Sinistersquids because I have been following her art account for a long time, and I love her style of art and the content she draws. I want to become an artist and she inspires me with more reason to pursue an art career. Through our interview, I learned from Sinistersquids that it is important to believe in yourself when trying to pursue your passion. Believing that you are able to make your dreams come true is a really important part when chasing your passion. I also like how she mentioned caring for our environment; I think it’s an important job that everyone should try to do. I really enjoyed my interview with Sinistersquids, and I wish her all the best!

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Here is our interview:

1. Why are you passionate about your job?

I’m passionate about my job because I feel like it is long been a dream that I never really thought would’ve been possible. Drawing for me has always been something I did by myself and to see my creations come to life and be enjoyed by others really seems surreal and wonderful every day.

2. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

I think I have faced a lot of self sabotage more than anything. I had to always saved a lot of money when I was a kid so funding my business was never a problem, and I didn’t have that much student debt so when I left school it wasn’t a financial issue for me to start a business. But that being said I had a lot of self talk that was very negative and often would stop me from drawing or believing that I could draw for a living. It was stuff that was as simple as me I think I have faced a lot of self sabotage more than anything.

3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

I guess my biggest advice is that there is no formula way to do freelance which could make one anxious, but it also means that whatever you’re doing and however you’re doing it can be a way to create a life as a freelance artist. I would say believe in yourself and if you don’t believe in yourself, work on learning to believe in yourself.

4. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside’s students and if so, how can someone contact you?

Unfortunately I do get a lot of emails daily and messages so I don’t always respond or have time to. I do have a YouTube channel with a lot of videos on how I have created my freelance life if that is helpful, but at this time I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to respond thoughtfully to everyone’s messages.

5. What would you be doing if you didn’t pursue art? 

I majored in politics which I think a lot of people find hard to believe, but I originally wanted to do environmental policy or science. I still very much care about the environment but I found a way to do that within my own business like having sustainable packaging instead of trying to go write policy.

6. Which anime do you feel like has impacted you as a person?

I would say One Piece was the most impactful anime I had ever seen. I just really resonated with Luffy and his carefree attitude.

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Here are some of Sinistersquids’ artwork from Instagram:


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Sinistersquids’ social media links:


Youtube | Instagram | Twitter