A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

  Periodic table

(Second photo is the legend)


– How did the elements get their atomic symbol? 

– How did the elements get their spots on the table? 

– Why is hydrogen by itself?

– Why is there a disconnection with the Lanthanide and the Actinide series? 

– Why is hydrogen on both sides of the periodic table?

– What is the rarest element?


The periodic table tells us:

– Where each type of metals is located.

– How many protons, electrons and neutrons there are in each element.

– What family each element belongs in.

– The rows and periods, the mass and atomic number of the elements.

– The state of matter.

–  The smell.


On my group’s periodic table, we used hexagons instead of squares. We wanted to try and form a big hexagon using the hexagons. We arranged the table by the element numbers.  Here is how we color coded the elements:

  • Orange for hydrogen
  • Blue for metals
  • Yellow for non-metals
  • Aqua for actinides
  • Pink for lanthanides
  • Green for metalloids
  • Purple polka dots for alkaline metals
  • Red polka dots for alkaline earth metals
  • Pink polka dots for noble gases
  • Dark blue for undiscovered elements


I think before drawing our periodic table out, we should’ve chose a better shape instead of hexagons. We overlapped the hexagons so there were some tiny skinny diamonds in the middle of the elements which (in my opinion,) looked a bit messy and made the table hard to read. If we drew a periodic table with octagons, maybe it could make the layout look more neat and easier to read.

One thought on “A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

  1. Mr. Robinson says:

    Thanks for your explanation of how you used the solution fluency to rejig the periodic table. The media showing what your periodic table looks good but I would like to see the Define and Dream parts. How might your periodic table organization help people understand it better?

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