How does one find happiness ?

In the film Into the Wild, directed by Sean Penn, Christopher McCandless, a young American freshly graduated from University leaves everything behind him to flee this society he hates so much. He disappears without saying anything to anyone. He’s traveling alone in the wild, meeting new people as he goes. He’s looking for happiness far away from this materialist society. One day he realizes that his real goal is to go live in Alaska for some time. Over there, he lives off hunting and gathering. Life is tough, but he stays for about three months. Christopher has always thought that happiness was in loneliness, but those months into the wild made him realize that relationships were the true happiness. He tries to go back to civilization but doesn’t succeed because the river is impassable, he’s forced to stay a bit more in Alaska. One day, he picked the wrong berry and dies from poisoning. The last words in his diary were: “Happiness is only real when shared.”

Humans can be wrong in their pursuit of ideal happiness but will eventually find out what they really want. This video shows that to find pure happiness can be hard, and that it may not be what one was looking for at first but this journey in the pursuit of happiness can really help to know oneself and what one really wishes.