Persuasive Video Essay

Technology has become a huge part of our life. We use laptops, smartphones, and more every day. But is it a good thing? Technology has cut our roots with nature, with who we are. What makes us human is that link with ourselves, others and nature. We do not go out anymore, we look at pictures of others going out. We stay in front of our screens, addicted by the blue light. We are becoming more and more lazy. We don’t even take the time to go grocery shopping, it is done for us. We don’t take the time to write correctly, autocorrect takes care of everything. We don’t take the time to read, audiobooks can be played while we are doing something else. People don’t speak to each other in the bus, they are on their phone. Instead of doing their homework or physical activity, kids watch videos or play games. And that’s not even the root of the problem. Let’s talk about the environmental side of the story. Our so precious devices are made using steel and rare metals mined from the ground, all of those ending in landfills. The factories are taking hectares of land, polluting as they produce. We travel way more than before, creating enormous amount of air pollution. And what about the technology of war? Nuclear bombs, tanks, mines… How can we embrace something that is purely made to kill as many people as possible at once? Look up from your screen and open your eyes on the real world. Technology has no limits, we must choose where we are putting it.



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