Planet Populators – Fragmento



The Planet

The fictional planet whose population I had to manage is called Fragmento. Above is a picture of the aliens that populate it. These are the Fragmentanians. They are a peace-loving people that love driving vehicles. The are all vegetarians and are the only animals that live on their planet.

Fragmento’s method of Reproduction

The aliens living on Fragmento reproduce in a similar way to the asexual reproduction method of Fragmentation on earth. That means that each alien is a genetic copy of its parent. There are many advantages to this method of reproduction. One is that a large quantity of offspring are reproduced. The Fragmentanians do not have to worry about finding a mate. They go through a process called slicing where they are cut in half by a guillotine like structure. After 24 hours, each half regrows. This works whether the Fragmentarian is cut lengthwise or widthwise.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

The Fragmentanians go through repeated Mitosis to reproduce the contents of the nuclei in their cells. What is the difference between Meiosis and Mitosis? While Meiosis goes through PMAT twice and includes crossing over, the Mitosis that the Fragmentanians use only goes through PMAT once. Identical copies of the DNA are produced.

How this method affects the planet

Because of the lack of variety of beings on this planet, the planet is in a precarious state. The problem is that the whole population could be wiped out with a single disease as there is no variety in the species. Masks and hand sanitization is a big part of this planet.

Works Cited

Aliens by Miriam Espacio from Pexels

Planet by Pixabay from Pexels