ADL 10

Digital Footprint page

Elemental Infofluency Page

Solution Fluency Information Fluency

ADL 10 (Applications of Digital Learning 10) is a course given to all of Riverside’s grade 9’s as part of the school’s focus on leveraging technology for learning.  At its foundation are six concepts.  Five of these concepts are called fluencies.  We call them that because we want students to not just be literate in these areas.  We want them to be fluent, having such competency that the skills flow smoothly out of the students.  The last concept is digital citizenship which binds all these fluencies together.

Here is the course outline:

Applications of Digital Learning 10

Teachers: S. Robinson, B. Barazzuol

Course Synopsis:

In this course students will be required to demonstrate the ability to efficiently and effectively navigate the digital technologies required to accomplish specific goals and tasks. Primarily, the goal of digital literacy is that individuals are able to effectively use the correct digital tool at the right time for the right purpose behaving ethically, and responsibly protecting the personal security and privacy of themselves and others. We want to see our students fluent in these areas.


In the 21st century, it is imperative for citizens to be digitally fluent in order to be successful contributors to their community and society. As existing and new digital technologies have become integrated into daily lives for social purposes, learning purposes, and community purposes, digital fluency is a requirement for full self-expression and participation in society. Digital fluency is defined as the ability to create, comprehend, edit, and utilize digital technologies presented through multiple formats to satisfy an intended purpose. There are 5 “fluencies” in which we are helping students develop skills: information fluency, solution fluency, creativity fluency, collaboration fluency, and media fluency. These are all tied together with the notion of students contributing digital citizens.

The expectation is that the course will not be taught in a linear fashion but outcomes will be integrated throughout learning activities in this course or integrated within other courses and once mastered, are expected to be applied across learning environments/contexts and curricular areas – integration and relevant application are paramount. It is of particular importance that the ethical uses of information – copyright, privacy, plagiarism and digital citizenship are at the forefront throughout the teaching of this course.

Components for students to complete as part of this course

The expectation is for students to attend Riverside’s Digital Bootcamp, initiate their blog, personalize their blog theme, complete their About Me page, learn to navigate the Edublog Reader, learn to create, tag, and categorize a post, and learn to embed and upload to their blog. This is completed before and during Focus 1.


Foci Title
Focus 1 Digital Footprint 20%
Focus 2 Information/Solution Fluency 30%

–        Science related

Focus 3 Creativity/Media Fluency 30%

–        English related


Focus 4 Community Connection 20%

Digital Footprint

Focus 1: In this unit students will analyse and evaluate their current digital footprint and continue to develop a digital footprint that is appropriate to the students’ developmental age and stage. They will gain insight into the social networking tools they already use and look at positive and negative outcomes from using online tools. Students will gain an understanding around the use of networking tools for the purpose of developing a community and within communities to then connect, inquire, share and collaborate.

Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate skills essential for safety and security in the digital world; protection of passwords, personal privacy, privacy of others etc.
  • Analyze and evaluate their digital footprint and continue to develop it at a level that is appropriate to their current developmental stage
  • Create a presentation that includes quality supporting information that will be well received by an audience.
  • Use a variety of social networking tools for their intended purposes
  • Analyze a task, need or goal and determine whether social networking is required/advantageous
  • Demonstrate transliterate competency – using language appropriate to the audience and/or tool – i.e. abbreviations for texting, one paragraph format for email etc.
  • Express personal views and perspectives of themselves and as an online author
  • Participate in online discussions in a value-added manner – reinforcing not repeating, constructive and thoughtful criticism and feedback, offering new information and alternate perspectives
  • Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize/filter for the purpose of curating information from various sources to develop a personal “infosumption” profile
  • Organize, evaluate, analyse and synthesize learning via a digital curating tool – such as a digital portfolio

Information/Solution Fluency

Focus 2: In this unit students will demonstrate the ability to learn in the digital environment by using tools to search and research, develop and follow inquiries and investigations and organize, synthesize and reflect in a manner suited to a variety of tasks. Students will build personal networks of learning, for the purpose of sharing, collaborating and contributing to the learning of themselves and others. Learning effectively in the digital environment requires students to generate and share original thinking and perspective development via the social construction of knowledge and understanding as reflected through a dynamic portfolio.

Students will be able to:

  • Compare and evaluate a variety of digital learning tools for their intended purpose and as they reflect personal learning preferences and purposes – i.e. process, create, investigate, organize, evaluate, curate, synthesize, collaborate, dialogue and discourse, etc.
  • Create good questions and find the most appropriate information to answer those questions
  • Evaluate the authenticity and reliability of information and use the most appropriate format to share findings
  • Honour another’s intellectual property by appropriately citing sources
  • Analyze, evaluate and select the appropriate learning tool to maximize effectiveness and efficiency of accomplishing a learning process
  • Use the available learning management system to maximize the goals and purposes of a variety of learning tasks and processes
  • Develop strategies for effective group-work – creating guidelines and policies to efficiently complete group goals and products
  • Create products that demonstrate types of online collaboration (coordination, cooperation, co-planning, co-implementation, co-creation, and co-evaluation) using online collaborative tools
  • Articulate and evaluate the effectiveness of their preferred tools for learning, collaborating, sharing, networking in relation to a learning goal
  • Demonstrate overtly the innate human drive to being an inquiry learner – connect/wonder, investigate, construct, express and reflect
  • Effectively utilize a research process when investigating an inquiry
  • Independently and strategically manage/control inquiry skills toward a particular goal or purpose
  • Seek out and engage with mentors and experts

Creativity/Media Fluency

Focus 3: In this unit students will learn the principles of effective design as related to communicating effectively through all modalities appropriate to the task and the audience in the digital environment. A key component of this unit is protecting and respecting the intellectual property rights of themselves and others. Students will develop skills to be able to creatively address a question, problem or situation. Students will also develop skills to be able to evaluate the truthfulness of media and leverage it to communicate. Reflection is also a key component: student will learn to examine the process and product and recommend changes for the future.

Students will be able to…

  • Express the views and perspectives of others by demonstrating respect for intellectual property by understanding copyright and plagiarism
  • Express personal views and perspectives of themselves as an author and contributor
  • Create and express digital content via storytelling
  • Demonstrate the understanding that the impact of design has on visual presentation
  • Apply strategies to detect falsehoods in the media they examine
  • Choose appropriate media forms to communicate a message and use those forms effectively

Community Connection

Focus 4: An important skill in the 21st Century is making connections with others. Connections lead to friendships, jobs, opportunities. They open the door for collaboration and cultivation of relationships. The goal of this assignment is for you to find someone who is involved in something that you care about and interview them. Students will share their take-aways from the interview on their digital portfolio.

Students will be able to…

  • Choose someone who is involved with something about which they are passionate. This could be a job, a volunteer role, a skill, or a hobby.
  • Connect with this individual and plan a time when they can interview them in person or using technology
  • Converse with the individual asking them questions below, as well as their own questions. Either record the responses or document them in written form.
  • Create a post on their Edublogs account outlining what they learned from the interview and how it connects to them as individuals.

Instructional Component:

  • On-going nature of the inquiry cycle as initial questions lead to greater questions which lead to the need for on-going reflection and revision – synthesizing, analysing, evaluating etc.
  • A variety of individual, partner, small and whole community learning experiences – both face to face and digitally as appropriate to task – principles of effective group work always being utilized
  • Structured dialogue and discourse- synchronously and asynchronously, face to face and digitally
  • Interdisciplinary study
  • Student self-directed, educator supported
  • Use of experts from around the world via virtual connectedness

Assessment Component:

    • Effective formative assessment via:
      • Clearly articulated and understood learning intentions and success criteria
      • Questions / Comments posed by students, peers and teachers to move learning forward
        • Discussions and dialogue
      • Feedback that is timely, clear and involves a plan
      • Students are resources for themselves and others – peer and self-assessment
      • Student ownership
    • Summative assessment via
      • Student products measured against success criteria

Learning Resources:

  • Personal learning device
  • Stable wireless
  • Broadcasting devices – such as LCD
  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Digital Portfolio tool – Edublogs
  • Online digital tools – a variety

The Fluencies:

Solution Fluency from Global Digital Citizen on Vimeo.

Creativity Fluency from Global Digital Citizen on Vimeo.

Collaboration Fluency from Global Digital Citizen on Vimeo.

Information Fluency from Global Digital Citizen on Vimeo.

Media Fluency from Global Digital Citizen on Vimeo.

Global Digital Citizen from Global Digital Citizen on Vimeo.

You will find on this site several documents that will give more information about this new course.

Please use the drop down menu above or click on the links below.

Digital Footprint Assignment

Getting Started with Edublogs

Board Approved – Applications of Digital Learning

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2 thoughts on “ADL 10

  1. Mr. ROBINSON I like all the vidoes you have here. Hope there will be more. 🙂

  2. I am glad that you found these videos here, Ken. It is a great place to learn about the 21st Century Fluencies!

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