WWI Political Cartoon Analysis

This cartoon shows how WWI started in a nutshell. figure A represents Serbia, B is Austria, C is Russia, D is Germany, E is Britain and F is America.

A terrorist group from Serbia known as the “Black Hand” was trying to assassinate the Duke, after a failed attempt leaving many of the Duke’s men injured, the duke decided to visit his men at the hospital. On the way there the Duke was assassinated. Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia mobilized troops to defend Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia for being against Austria, Britain wanted to defend Russia and or Serbia, America only joined the fight 1 year before it ended to help Britain.

Serbia is depicted as a child due to the scale of their military compared the other more significant forces such as Germany and Russia. The title is ironic because the cartoon shows countries going to war and the title is “The Chain Of Friendship”, which is verbal irony because it is sarcastic. Sarcasm by definition is meant to hurt another individual and irony is used to convey a message, this cartoon is ironic because it does not hurt anybody and it convert a message on how wars start.

Poverty cycle


Poverty cycle of country with high prevalence of HIV/AIDS

Baby born with HIV -> extremely poor health -> gets impregnated or impregnates another woman -> dies prematurely due to AIDS -> partner likely infected with HIV/AIDS and is passed on to offspring. 


When a baby is born with aids it can be treated before the age of one to slow down the effects of the illness, this won’t fully eradicate aids from the patient as there is no full cure. 

Another solution to cut the cycle is to educate the people with HIV to not have kids so their kids don’t get aids.


Child born into poverty -> child is malnourished -> attends a public school with extremely poor quality of education -> forced to work at a young age because of poor education and the fact they have no food -> child works for close to nothing for the rest of their life because they have no choice until death -> could possible have kids of their own to work for them on a farm (rare)


We can cut the cycle by providing a quality education so the kids can grow up and not work for super cheap. A harsh reality is that people who live in poverty should not create a family they can not support or they will likely starve. 


Women born into inequality -> no education -> married by 12 -> pregnant by 15 -> turns to prostitution for income. 


The simplest solution is to educate people to treat women equally like we do in developed countries. If women are treated equally they will receive an education and will have a chance to have a good job in the future. Unfortunately women born into places where they have less rights than men have almost no chance to be something other than a housewife.