Blackout Poem – “I know Why the Caged Bird Sings”

Sean Hruswicki
English 11
18 December 2017
Mr. Barazzuol

“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”, Poem Analysis

The poem “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”, by Maya Angelou, is denotatively about a bird that is in cage, restricted, watching other birds outside fly around with no restriction. Connotatively this poem is about how black people are oppressed and have restrictions that white people do not. black Poole in this poem are represented by the caged bird, and white people are represented by the free bird. The theme of this poem is oppression and restrictions, and how oppressed people had nothing but their voice to protest. To put this into a thematic statement we could say: your voice is your most powerful weapon. Violent protests from black people in America never worked, but when revolutionaries like Martin Luther King fame along, they got social reform by using their voice instead of violence. Three poetic devices in this poem are: Allusion, personification, and rhyme. The birds in this poem allude to the different races, the free bird referring to whites and the Caged Bird referring to black people. When it is said that the birds sing it is personification because the birds are given a human trait. There is also rhyme in this poem. Ex.

The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill 
for the caged bird
sings of freedom

The rhyme scheme in this stanza is ABABBABA. This poem is significant because it represents to much move than just birds flying around. It has a very deep connotative meaning.


The Magic of Light

Sean Hruswicki

Physics 11


The video below looks just like magic, how can something just change by itself right in front of our eyes? Well, with some understanding of waves we can explain this phenomenon. The big idea, or sole reason to this so called magic is refraction. When you look at the glass the light rays bend around the center of the glass, causing the light rays to intercept each other between the glass and the arrow, or piece of paper, creating a focal point, the light that was on the right side is now on the left and vice versa, this causes the arrow to appear to be inverted, which makes it appear to be backwards. Anytime light light goes through one medium into another, it refracts. In conclusion this is in fact not magic, but can be straight forwardly explained using wave physics.

Waves Lab

Rig wavevibrating   a  pulse4323763F-EBDF-4914-8675-FF0B811CC920-22wlw2x 870A91D6-4D73-4A74-85F6-3D141B420AFF-xyofqh 8D1A7876-C09D-43AC-B816-2E89896BCCAF-114t502 6206D598-9F07-4CE8-96F2-8081DC7625DE-1khk1gr

A pulse wave as shown in the first video. A pulse wave is just one wave that is emitted it is the shape of a half circle, or a wave.

Periodic wave is a wave that is constantly going, kind of like oscillating. It moves with a constant speed that does not change.

A transverse wave by definition is “a wave vibrating at right angles to the direction of its propagation”.

A longitudinal wave by definition is “a wave vibrating in the direction of propagation”, longitudinal waves include sound waves or vibrating waves.


Sean Hruswicki

Physics 11

4th December 2017

Ms. Jackson

This clip is demonstrating destructive interference, one person flung the slinky down and the other flung the slinky upward, when the waves meet in the middle they cancel eachother out making the slinky take the form of a flat line once again.


This clip demonstrated constructive interference. Both group members flung the slinky in the same direction (up or down) at the same time so that the waves would collide, when the waves collides they constructed a bigger wave, like they combine forces.


In our third trial we rapidly slinged the slinky back and forth, our goal was to find how many node points we would make with our slinky, a node point is basically one wave, if it takes 3 waves to reach the other end the slinky has 3 node points. It is a lot easier to see if the slinky is going at super rapid speeds but we counted 3 node points on our slinky.
