partner paragraph B

Get to know Aderian


Want to get to know a smart and interesting person? Then read more about Aderian in this paragraph. Aderian is a smart individual who I met in my grade 9 English class. He has a lot of wonders about the world, which shows that he’s an unique person who thinks outside the box. He also has a lot of opinions and works really hard. He also likes to learn about new things. I interviewed him and he said if he could time travel to the past or the future he would travel to the past, to see the development of the big bang because he’s curious on how the universe was created. Secondly if Aderian could bring back anybody from the dead he would bring back his grandma, because she was a caring person would taught Aderian a lot of useful stuff for live. Thirdly I asked Aderian, if there was an apocalypse what three items would you bring and he said water a filtered mask and a machete. His answers shows that he’s a smart person, because he brought things that would help him survive instead of comfort items like a blanket or his phone. Aderian has a lot of wonders about the world, but the one he wanted to know the most for life is, are we the only intelligent life out there. After interviewing and chatting with Aderian I got to know him a little better and over all he’s an interesting person to be around and you can learn a lot from him, which means it’s never boring when your hanging out with him.


Aderian used communication when I was interviewing him, because when I was asking him question he would answer them and explain why he  made that choice.