English 12 core competency

For my Synthesis essay, I used critical thinking to display my beliefs through my sources by reflecting and analyzing them. I demonstrated my understanding by connecting real word scenarios to gothic literature and films. For example, I used the source Frankenstein to show society’s anxiety in how society is scared of change just as they were scared of the creature. I used the film Get Out to shed an understanding of the racism still present in society. The movie exaggerated the scenarios by showing the present reality of the power white people still have over black people. I successfully connected society to gothic sources but next time I will go into more detail in how gothic elements are shown in the real world.

Circle talk reflection

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I will be using the Indigenous Principle of learning is embedding in memory, history and story. During circle talk I was quit tense and didn’t share a tons, manly because I was nervous but as I was listening to peoples answers I relied I don’t know very much about my family’s history and the little I know, I didn’t share with the class. For example when we were asked about where our family’s from all I said was my parent are from New Brunswick. I could have said I am Ukrainian, French Canadian and Norwegian but my dad’s from New Brunswick and my mom’s sides from Saskatchewan. Well doing circle talked I learned it’s important to share your culture as I way of connecting with people or showing your differences. I had no idea how diverse my class was. In the future I could be more open with people which could help me have longer convocations.

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My class was very respectful, when others are speaking during circle talk almost everyone was looking at them and no one was talking. They also had appropriate body language because no one was on their phone or drifting off. I could have been a better listener by giving each person eye contact and occasionally I would accidently laugh at something someone say not knowing if it was meant to be funny. Which could have been disrespectful and make that induvial uncomfortable. Being I good listening can be use anytime someone is talking to me. It reminds me I need to have appropriate body language, eye connect and have a respectful attitude.