Dead Poets Society reflection

Dead Poets Society is about a group of young men who all have hopes, dreams and aspirations but are unable to pursuit them because they are unable to speak their minds. They are taught to live through their parents and never be creative or speak their ideas. Mr. Keating, who is a teacher at the young men’s school is the opposite of all the parents. He allows the boys to be creative, speak their minds and have dreams and ambitions. Mr. Keating has a lesson on “Carpe Dieme- Seize the day”. Overall, I take this and think the lesson is to not wait for tomorrow but instead shoot for your goals today. Seize the day! Make today the best you can make it. The poem “Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow” is speaking about how life is short and can go by so quickly. The moral of this poem from Macbeth written by William Shakespeare for me is that you only live once and life has consequences to ones actions. The connection I made between Dead Poets Society and Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow is that William Shakespeare is stating how life has consequences and in Dead Poets Society I think the person dealing with these consequences is Neil’s father. I think after Neil died, his father realized how silly and wrong he was to not let his son speak his mind and let him know how he felt. The dad and all of his friends now have to deal with the death and it left a mark on all of their lives. In the end, I really enjoyed the movie along with the poem from Macbeth. I feel like both relatively have the same morals, other than the fact Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow has a very negative outlook on life and Dead Poets Society has more of a happy go lucky look on life. A quote I would put as a moral would for use for both Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow and Dead Poets Society would be to never count on tomorrow.