What is you’re job description? My mom is a yoga teacher so she teaches yoga.
What are some dutis and?or tasks you preform at your job? I had to answer the phone and sign people into classes.
What qualifications do you have for this job in the followinig areas: training? education? experience? skills? You need training and some skills to teach yoga.
What are some of the things you like about the job? I really love yoga so being able to do yoga and get paid is super cool. Id like to own my own studio one day.
What are some things you dislike about this job? I dont like having go deal with cleaning the studio.
How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so ?Ah I think they will have more of a following on social media and hopefully it will be even busier than it is now.
Give three reasons why you would like this job? A) The yoga B) Not in a desk all day C) Wear comfy clothes
Thanks Savannah