Goods Eats Coffee Video Response

2 things Ive learned 

  • Coffee bean is the pit of a cherry like fruit ( Arabica Tree) .
  • The further you roast a coffee bean, the lower in caffeine it will be.

1 thing I already knew 

  • Coffee can become very addictive for some people, they need it to get through the day and will get headaches if they don’t have it.

And 1 question 

  • Where do I store my coffee? The fridge or cupboard?

Answer: The temperature of where you store your coffee will have a major effect on the coffees shelf life. It is best to keep coffee in an air tight container that is away from natural light. In a dark cupboard is a great storing place. Storing coffee in the fridge is fine, but it is best to let settle to room temperature before use, so why not save time and just keep it in a cupboard.