Week 2 Math 10

This week in Mrs.Burtons math class I learned how to switch from entire radicals to mixed and the opposite, mixed to entire.

If you take 4 as the coefficient and 12 as the radicand that can break down into root 4 squared x’s square root of 12, which is equivalent to square root of 16 x’s 12. Then you get your answer coefficient 4 square root 12 is = to square root of 192. That is how you go from a mixed radical to a entire radical. Now for changing a entire into a mixed it’s a little different. When switching an entire radical into a mixed. The steps to changing the entire to mixed are quite simply. The steps are to 1) prime factorize 2) Find perfect squares within the factorization 3) rewrite the entire as the largest perfect square number from your factorization 4) take the factorization from your perfect square number and put that number as the coefficient and the other  number of the prime factorization pair as the radicand


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