LOTF Podcast

We recorded a podcast from a psychologist perspective on the novel Lord of the Flies, relating human morality, social conformity and herd mentality, including examples of how it occurs among the boys. Work Cited: “When people are part of a group, they often experience deindividuation, or a loss of self-awareness” -Examining the Mob Mentality, source.southuniversity.edu/examining-the-mob-mentality-31395.aspx. […]

“Lord of the Flies”- Island Description

The physical setting of the deserted island in Lord of the Flies. The Beach: “The beach between the palm terrace”(6)  The forest: “The skirts of the forest and the scar were familiar”(101) The Signal Fire: “Roger pointed down the unfriendly side. ‘They were there–by the sea.’”(57) Lagoon: “Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon […]