The character Simon, In the novel Lord of the Flies, appears to have had a tan skin tone, and black hair before being isolated on the island. Once observing that the boys had been on the island for an extended period, it was noticed that simons skin burned and his coarse hair became tangled and […]
Month: April 2018
LOTF Podcast
We recorded a podcast from a psychologist perspective on the novel Lord of the Flies, relating human morality, social conformity and herd mentality, including examples of how it occurs among the boys. Work Cited: “When people are part of a group, they often experience deindividuation, or a loss of self-awareness” -Examining the Mob Mentality, […]
“Lord of the Flies”- Island Description
The physical setting of the deserted island in Lord of the Flies. The Beach: “The beach between the palm terrace”(6) The forest: “The skirts of the forest and the scar were familiar”(101) The Signal Fire: “Roger pointed down the unfriendly side. ‘They were there–by the sea.’”(57) Lagoon: “Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon […]