Michael Foster is a youthful reporter in the short story, “Two Fishermen,” written by Morley Callaghan. Foster is a determined and ambitious reporter, who is attempting to pursue his career as a news reporter. Michael Foster is known to be “a tall, long-legged, eager young fellow,” who has big dreams and always wanted to work for an important newspaper (Callaghan 1). By the way he is brought up in the shorts story, Michael is believed to be a middle-class male who is very hard working. Michael being a reporter, leads him to see the good even when everyone else sees differently, he still looks past that. Michael seems to be a truly good and wholesome person, he has patience, kindness and is capable of gaining trust from others. Although, Smitty admitted to tolerating his job, no matter how horrific it is Michael saw past that and still had respect for him. Micheal means well, when the entire town turned on him after he found a friendship with Smitty, he did not necessarily do the wrong thing by not sticking up for Smitty. Imagine how much worse it would have been if he did support Smitty publically, it may not have been worth one friendship for the entire town to disrespect him. Even though Michael made it seem as if he did not care for Smitty by defending himself “He didn’t mean anything to me at all” (Callaghan 4). Michael is a clever man who has a future and entire career ahead of him, sticking up for a “friend” may have completely ruined his plans.
Thank you for posting your character sketch, based on the story “Two Fishermen” written by Morley Callaghan. Here are my observations regarding your work:
– Introductory sentence is well-written mentioning the character within the short story title and author (provides context)
– Utilizes two quotations, and they are properly integrated
– Provides great details and insight on the character that is being discussed
– Spelling and grammar mistakes are minimal
> “brought up in the shorts story,” (should be short story)
– Response exceeds requirements
Excellent character sketch and thank you for submitting!
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher