mutation story on down syndrome

part 1:

I am a gene of chromosome 21. I am the third copy of my kind in Tommy’s body. Me being inside of this boy’s body causes him to have Down Syndrome, which is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild intellectual disabilities. Every other chromosome in Tommy’s body will split into two, but i’m chromosome 21, and i did not divide. I will stay whole. This is what caused my host to have down syndrome. When Tommy grows to be a young adult with down syndrome, his IQ will be equivalent to the mental age of an 8-10 year old child. The parents of an affected child are typically genetically normal. The extra chromosome occurs by random chance.


Part 2 :


1)  What happened in my chromosome to cause someone to have Down Syndrome.

2)  I did alot of research on different websites to obtain a variety of pertinent information.

3)  I went to well trusted sites on the internet to gather all the information I could get on what causes Down Syndrome.

4)  DS-Health is a reputable and trustworthy resource. an example would be: Coleman, Mary and Rogers, PT. Medical care in Down Syndrome; a preventative medicine approach.

5)  The process went very well. I had no difficulty finding and understanding the information provided on websites. I could have expanded on the impact having a child who is affected by Down Syndrome would be on the parents.

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