Expanding universe

1. Explain what the balloons & dots represent.

the balloon represents the universe and the M dot is the Milky Way, The other dots represent the galaxies that are in the balloons(universe) and as the universe expands it shows the galaxies in the universe getting farther away from each other.

2.which letter moved the farthest away from M? Which moved the least?

c and b stayed the same length away, but c and b  moved the least

3. summarive the trend; movement of galaxies related to distance from m?

the farther away the balloon the more the dots spread out from eachother

4. how does this experiment model what we are doing in the expanding universe?

as the balloon showed how much it was spreading out and getting farther apart  it represented how the galaxies where also where expanding

5. How does the balloon not represent the universe?

The universe may be expanding but, I do not think it is growing/ actually getting larger.

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