the app that i chose to download is called chemistry, it is not so muich like a game but a very good source of information. They start with a periodic table and when u click on the element it brings you to a webiste all about the certain element.
1. is this app helpful to you in you learning experiance?
yes it was very helpful for me to undertstant the periodc table better. can this app make you have a clearer idea of the content/build skills?
because it is a fast and accurate way of learning all the elements of the periodic table and what they are.
3.was this app challenging or hard to figure out?
no it was very easy to access, it was an online Wikipedia of the periodic table/ all the elements.
4.what drew you to choosing this app?
i chose to download this app because it was on chemistry and seemed to be up to my grade level with ought being to hard to figure out.
5.didlearning in a different way improve your learning outcomes?
yes, because it was quick and easy access with accurate information on the elements I was looking for.
6. Did learning in a more visual way help you?
indeed it did very much so because easily practicing made me understand the concept more every day. you recommend this app to other kids in need for help on chemistry?
yes I strongly recommend it to other classmates in need to remember the elements in the periodic table also with information like the atomic number too. In all this app did help me grasp the concept fully of the periodic table.